Saturday, October 2, 2010

D.U.F.A.N to the max

in the middle of september,my sisters,brothers and dad went to DUFAN
it was fun
and the most excited thing is my dad didn't afraid to try the whole play at all
the opposite thing as my mom
she stayed at home
she better chose to sleep rather than playing those ''crazy play''
she said
so,we went there with kieya ex bf
it was a blas
i will never forget every second we have to hang out with ''the complete family''
i dont wear anything fashionable
i just wore my usual outfit
t-shirt and jeans
and because the theme is white,so it must be in white t-shirt


Tara said...

wahhhh bulan september kemarin gw juga ke Dufan bareng temen2 kerja, seruuu banget :)

Lucia said...

ah asiknya :) udah lama nggak ke dufan huhuhu T.T bikin pengeeen :)
