Thursday, August 12, 2010

when our love becomes means family.when family becomes bigger,it means MARRIED!!

i went to my bf family vacation
his mom and dad asked me to join their family vacation
and they asked my bf lil brother's girlfriend too
i dont know what that means
i just thank them for inviting me in their family
and we went to bogor
rent a villa and stayed there for 2 days
it was amazing,the environment,the feel,the weather
we felt really2 relaxed
i could say,all of us are couple
so,we slept with our partners at night
his parents allowed that.maybe they thought we're adult enough to do that:)
these are pictures when i was there
on the couch-->my bf lil bro with his gf (hugging and cuddling;p)
on the floor-->bf uncle and his wife (dunno what they did inside the blanket)
on the bed-->me and my bf(me taking the pic)
on the other bed-->his parents(no need to explain)
back:Om tantan(lil bro bf's mom) n teh nita(wife),adya(bf lil brother)n vini(his girlfriend)
front:bf's dad,bf's mom,my bf
we are the family
im in the mood to talk in bahasa indonesia

gmn mnurut kalian
kita sudah terlihat dekat blm:p
yepp,kita(me and his family) emg udah deket
gitu jg dengan co gw dan keluarga gw
 cuma kadanga saking dekatnya,jd sering ada salah paham
cuma,diambil positifnya aja lah
btw,doakan ya.
smoga kami segera menikah
punya rumah sendiri,keluarga kecil sndr,punya uang sendiri
rencana si udah ada,cuma blm pasti
ntar deh kalo udah pasti,dikasih undangannya:)


vdcouture said...

looks fun, does it mean that you're gonna be married to your bf soon ? congrats love <3


FilsafatKonseling said...

semoga tercapai maksudnya, tapi jangan lupa yah, pernikahan itu bisa berhenti, sedangkan pernikahan kontrak bisa diperpanjang :-) Bercanda!

Anonymous said...

you had great time, wish all the best for your life.

cute floral dress :)

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like a fun family time!
of course, wish you & your bf will get married soon ;)

Castor Pollux

Nathalie Kartika Putri said...

it seems you had a great trip :) nice dress btw


K A T H L E E N said...

love the floral dress! come follow me xoxo

Stevia said...

looks like fun
hope your wishes come true and you both live happily ever after :)


claudia isabella said...

nice dress ! i'm a new follower anwy.
check out my new post and please follow me back if you don't mind. hihi.

Cloudy Day

Rimma Izzaty Putri said...

envy. hhuhuuhu moga cepet nikah :D
cute flower dress



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